A short history of an art major venturing outside the free-lance world into actual art, a use-to-be bicycle racer, and a fascination with the other side of the world.
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Tuesday Morning TOURS!!!
I met up with Mack, Berg, & Seth this morning for a long, slow ride north of Shreveport. Seth had to turn around early...something about a job he has...but the rest of us continued on, all the way to Gilliam and a total of 58 miles. It was a nice ride, totally opposite of the fast training rides. I'll do more of these in the fall.
Had to go thru downtown Shreveport to get north of it.
Mack & Berg somewhere near the old Sibley store.
My steed....and a couple of live ones in the background.
I'm FarBar in the All Pedal, No Gas blog (a variation on my dog's name). Glad you like the blog...sometimes I actually remember to update it!
I haven't done much riding in north Caddo Parish in a long time with last Tuesday's ride being more of a trip down Memory Lane. I'd have to refer to a map on possible routes from Blanchard...it can be done but it's a long trip if you're going 12-15 mph, plus there's more houses and more people who live in that area so there's more traffic than there used to be when I rode up there a lot. And lots of shoulderless 2-lane roads....
Your advice of driving different routes is the best way to explore possible ways to get to downtown. The first few weeks are always experimentation. But if one wants to do it, they can.
These are some great pics, Alan!
Don't think I know you, but I really enjoyed discovering this blog.
And you seem to be the perfect person to answer a question on mine. I'm writing the All Pedal, No Gas blog about bike-commuting in Shreveport.
A reader is asking how to commute from Blanchard to downtown Shreveport. Can you help him out? Is it possible?
Would love for you to participate in the discussion.
I'm FarBar in the All Pedal, No Gas blog (a variation on my dog's name). Glad you like the blog...sometimes I actually remember to update it!
I haven't done much riding in north Caddo Parish in a long time with last Tuesday's ride being more of a trip down Memory Lane. I'd have to refer to a map on possible routes from Blanchard...it can be done but it's a long trip if you're going 12-15 mph, plus there's more houses and more people who live in that area so there's more traffic than there used to be when I rode up there a lot. And lots of shoulderless 2-lane roads....
Your advice of driving different routes is the best way to explore possible ways to get to downtown. The first few weeks are always experimentation. But if one wants to do it, they can.
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