Monday, July 07, 2008


No, I didn't ride Sunday. The legs deserved some rest and I gave it to them.

Our next door neighbor berated us early Sunday morning because one of the dogs we're keeping for some friends went whiny on us while we were out walking the other dogs. Rosie was in the back yard and just started continuously "screaming", not barking, over and over again. Our neighbor, on crutches with her leg in a cast, hobbled over and gave us a dressing-down on things we didn't even letting our dogs bark at mid-night. That's NEVER happened since we've moved here. Anyway, we didn't know the dog would act like that or we'd have never let it out. The lady didn't give us much of a chance to explain anything, so we didn't. A grand time had by all.

I started up the pressure washer for the first time Sunday afternoon (I hoped the neighbor enjoyed the sound of the engine!) and started cleaning the bricks on the back patio. They look almost brand new! It'll take a couple of days to do it all. After an hour, I'm covered in gunk from the backsplash and it's time to quit.

That same dog just tore up a favorite cap of mine...bummer. She's going to be a good dog eventually but right now she's your typical young pup. Gotta chew on everything and do it as well as can be done. I really liked that cap.....

Rode this morning and did a set of short hill repeats afterward. Washed more of the back patio, sprayed up more gunk on myself. Might do a long ride with Mack in the morning, maybe 50-60 miles. Jonenne said it was okay!

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