Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Lots done

You can tell the change in the daylight these mornings now...it's staying darker a few minutes later. It's been almost a full month since the longest day of the year. I'm also seeing some hardwood leaves on the ground but I think the summer heat has something to do with that. But it does make you wonder about the fall coming up.

I did an easy 40-miler with Mack this morning, averaging about 17-18 mph and it was nice. We talked about a lot of stuff and weren't tempted in the least about trying any hard efforts. I did some standing-on-the-pedals work but that was about it. I'm still looking at doing the stage race in Lafayette this weekend and I have until Thursday night to pre-register for it. I'm already committed to doing the time trial in Houston the following weekend and will be back in time to see Jonnene do the River Cities Triathlon here.

I ran a bunch of small errands today, the ones that you keep putting off because they're not worth the drive by themselves. I finally had saved up enough of them and went after it. Got my passport out of the safe deposit box so I can get my Australia visa taken care of. Drop off some papers to my financial adviser. Delivered stuff to the recyclers. Got LUNCH! Got some go-juice for my truck. Straightened out (I hope) a problem with our billing in regards to the city utility department...in our favor.

And there's still so much more to do.

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