Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Things that make.....

I've been listening to presidential candidate Barack Obama give a speech this morning because I haven't really listened to any of his speeches before....and I'm about to get a headache. This guy is an idiot. That's the best I can say about him. I've already listened to a handful of out-and-out lies from him as well as embellishments of imagined situations that haven't happened. Every day I'm more convinced that this is a campaign of picking the lesser of two evils. I'm not happy with either candidate but I'll have to hold my nose and vote for McCain. Obama is not an option. I wish I was not in such a hurry to get to 2012.....

Anyway, I got some bad news yesterday afternoon that the mother of a good friend of mine had passed away that morning. Mrs. Katherine Brakhage died peacefully at the age of 83 due to kidney failure and eventual organ shutdown. I'd known Mrs. B since I was 14 years old and thought she was a grand lady and one of my Top Five Second Mothers. I think all of us have had Second Mothers when we are growing up. We love them and never forget them. It's been a couple of years since I last saw her but she had been ill since then and her son Dale kept me up to date. I spoke to him last night when I got the news and he said it was all good. He and his brother, Randy, had stayed with her the last 48 hours. She was comfortable and most of the family gathered round on Sunday evening, playing games, talking, visiting. Dale said that's what you do when you go see Grandma. Finally, everyone left, leaving Dale and Randy there. On Monday morning, Dale took a moment to go to the bathroom and that was when she left, letting out a final sigh. He returned, Randy said she was gone. Dale said it put a whole new perspective on the phrase "When ya gotta go, you gotta go!" They both thought their mother would have appreciated the humor. Anyway, there'll be a viewing Thursday night and the services will be Friday. I will be there. I think a lot of people will be there.

Finally got the Team LaS'port domain name thing straightened out. I own it again for another year and this time I have control over making the payment for ownership.


Anonymous said...

Since McCain is running against Obama, as a conservative I have to vote for Obama.

Things will get worse with McCain.

Things will get much worse with Obama. And that is why I am voting for Obama. For things will only get worse with McCain but they need to get much worse for us to survive as a nation.

Of course a statement like that needs an explanation. And I will do so in the form of an analogy. Do you know how to cook a frog? Well, if you put it in a pot of boiling water the frog will quickly jump out. But if you put a frog in a pot of water that is warm and turn up the heat gradually up to boiling the frog will just sit there not even realizing it is being boiled alive.

Obama is the one who puts the frog into the hot water and McCain is the one who turns up the heat gradually. With Obama his extremism will cause a backlash so great that America will start electing good leaders to oppose him. It happened in 1980 and it happened in 1994. And it will happen again.

But McCain he will really be the death of the Republican Party. As I said above things will get worse with McCain and therefore he and the Republican Party will get the blame. And then America will elect a Democrat in 2012 for President. And if recent history has shown us anything it has shown that the Democratic Candidate has been getting increasingly extreme. So I can’t tell you who the Democrats will put up that year but I can tell you that person will be as extreme if not more extreme than Obama. So, how long are we putting off having an Obama-like President? Four Years?

And meanwhile McCain has shown that he wants to drive conservatives and conservatism away from the Republican Party. For those of us who believes that the only solution to our country’s problems, it is unacceptable that neither of the two major parties represents conservative values.

So, I am left with the ultimate act of “tough love”. Not to say there aren’t hard times ahead for there is but that is true with McCain as well. But at least with Obama there is hope that things will get better after him. With McCain all hope is lost.

Alan said...

Whatever works for you. McCain is the lesser of two evils, as I said, but Obama is not an option. Europeans want Obama because they want a weaker America...that's it. Iran wants Obama to win. Syria wants Obama to win. I could go on.

I'm afraid the damage Obama could do as President would be beyond any fix that eight years of a "good" president afterward could reverse. And a Democrat Congress in cahoots is not a pleasant thought to me.