Sunday, July 20, 2008

Just Weight a Minute

Good stage today in Le Tour. American Danny Pate (Garmin-Chipotle) got third in a steep climb to the finish as part of a 4-man break. He was at first disappointed but later realized what a great ride he had been a part of.

I'm two weeks away from the time trial in Texas and I'm starting to think about my TT bike position and other weight. I pulled out the Shimano pedals that originally came with my Guru bike and weighed them against the Look pedals I had installed. Came up with a difference of 120 grams, the Shimano's being lighter. Then I pulled out my old pair of Diadora shoes that I haven't worn in a long while and they were 70 grams lighter than the Shimano shoes I usually use. Hmmm, it didn't take much to realize I could save almost 200 grams (6.7 ounces) by using the lighter pedals and shoes (lighter moving parts, like pedals, are always a bonus) so I made the changes and will try them out on the Monday morning ride. The Shimano pedals have a floating system in them that I'll have to get used to...I like the locked-in feeling of my Look pedals with the black cleats.

No riding today. Jonnene and I spent most of the day out in the back yard trimming bushes, raking, pulling up ferns we didn't want, and a lot of other things we've been neglecting. The place looks a lot neater and we'll be sore tomorrow, but not from cycling!

Dig this photo below. Johnny Cobb is famous in the cycling world for fitting Lance Armstrong to his TT bike to win all those Tours and heads up Blackwell Research, located in Tyler, Texas. He's originally from Shreveport and I do a few things for him on occasion in regards to the biking bizness. Anyway, he does lots of bike fittings for racers and triathletes plus he gets some famous folks who drop in to be fitted to their bikes......
....such as "Dr. McDreamy" from the ABC show Grey's Anatomy. Patrick Dempsey (at left, of course) dropped in on JC's shop in Tyler for a special fitting to his bike from "The Man". Johnny wasn't all that impressed that the guy was an actor but when he found out that the guy liked race cars then things were okay. They also had to deal with all the girls who kept dropping in during the fitting!

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