In less than two weeks we are off for Oz! The movie "Australia" will be opening soon and it is raising hopes in the island continent of increasing tourism there. Most of the movie was shot in Jonnene's home state of Western Australia in the Kimberly region.
There was a good story in The Western Australian.
But you can check out two new online commercials at the Australia Tourism website. Click on the box called "Come Walkabout" and take a look. First is a short called "Billabong" and then one called "Boab". They both star the same kid who is in the Australia movie.
Pretty good stuff.
Baz Luhrmann is living in a mental asylum – and the clock is ticking. Across the globe in another time zone, studio executives are chewing their nails as they fret about bottom lines and box-office takes, for Luhrmann’s latest project, the somewhat cheekily titled Australia, is already setting the sorts of records that make Hollywood’s money men nervous. The longest shoot in 20th Century Fox’s formidable history of movie-making. The most expensive Australian film ever made.
Awww, Mike......
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