Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Okay, He's In

I paid little attention to the news after I voted, so I woke up to the radio alarm clock and found out Obama is our new President. Not a big surprise but I was hoping for a miracle that I suspected wouldn't come. The next four years are going to be very interesting. About 43% of Americans don't pay any income tax and if Obama's able to get that number up to 50% with his "spread the wealth" tax ideas, he'll be able to guarantee himself another four years. "If you plan to rob Peter to pay Paul, you can always count on the support of Paul."

Half of American knows what's coming...the other half hasn't the slightest idea and I doubt they even care. "Change" is a-coming! The new Congress will see to that. Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi said that the House will be more bipartisan with a super-majority Democrat presence. That's a joke, because with that kind of power they don't have to listen to anything the opposition says to do what they want. The Republicans will, basically, be taking up space in the Capital Building. They'll be unable to get any of their bills passed which will make their constituents unhappy and eventually be voted out of office to be replaced with Democrats...that's what the current Democrats are counting on. This will be an ugly time for our country. Sad to see it in my lifetime.

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