Sunday, November 02, 2008


A bit of conversation from our ride yesterday where we covered 65 miles:

We've approached a "T" intersection and stopped because a car was coming from the left. After it passed, we made a left turn and Joe says "We could have made that." (meaning we could have pulled out before the car got there...which was doubtful).

Me: "Joe, what is your definition of the term 'we'?"

Joe: "You, Tom, Jon, and Duece."

Me: "What about you?"

Joe: "I would have stopped."

I got in about 73 miles all told and for the record I had a great ride. It was totally unexpected since I hadn't been on the bike much the last couple of weeks and the Tour de Ouachita ride a week ago wasn't one of my better efforts. I averaged 20.6 mph for the distance, enjoyed the company, and you couldn't have asked for better weather. Just cool enough to put arm and knee warmers at the start but got warm enough to take them off later in the ride. Jonnene rode with another group and got in about 54 miles. I met her in the parking lot of the church where we ride from after she had finished and I rolled in with the small group I was with. I dropped off the arm warmers and the vest in the car, then got an extra 8 miles by riding to the house while she drove home.

Later that evening we went to a birthday party for an old friend of mine who had turned 60 and it was a lot of fun. Saw some folks I hadn't seen in several years and even Jonnene knew a handful of folks out there!

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