Tuesday, November 04, 2008

The Vote

Well, I voted today. Stood in line for about 20 minutes (my precinct line was shorter than the other one, thank goodness!) but soon after I got into my place there were about 40 folks who lined up behind me. I timed it just right!

Overheard in line at the voting place:

"The first time I voted for President, it was for Roosevelt."

"Which one?"

Tomorrow morning I'll either be surprised that McCain won or saddened because he lost. If Obama wins, there'll be millions of Americans who will be adjusting their financial status to lessen the damage he will cause in the next four years. If McCain wins....well, it won't be as bad. I can hardly wait for 2012.......

Good turnout for this morning's ride with eight hardy souls out in the cooler temps. The speed always drops like the temperatures as opposed to when we ride during the spring and summer. I doubt we spent any kind of real time above 22 mph and that was fine with me since my legs didn't feel too spritely, almost like they felt at the Tour de Ouachita a couple of weeks ago. But nobody in this ride would be able to ride away from me, no matter how I felt today. There was lots of talk about some of the local propositions on the ballot and how dumb some of them were. We have a few guys who are well versed in the local politics and they can be quite frank about it all. Makes for an entertaining ride before we get to the parkway to speed it up.

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