Saturday, October 14, 2006

Nice day and it starts with a phone call the night before

Last night as I was about to hit the sack, I got a call from Jonnene. A perfect way to end my day! She had finished doing a 30K (18 miles) bike ride and a pilates class, and was just relaxing after getting home. She is 13 hours ahead of me so it was getting close to lunch time on Saturday for her. A lot of the call ended up being about some of the things we need to do in preparing for her eventual arrival here in the States. She is going to give notice at work this coming week for her final four weeks employment which will let her prepare for everything that's coming up. But the main thing was just talking to her and hearing her voice. I'll be glad when I can talk to her in the evenings in person! I miss her a lot.

Only 36 days until I see her in the Perth Airport!!

Rolled out this morning for my first bike ride in a week and my lungs were still somewhat congested. But it wasn't bad, we did what could be called an easy, short ride for 30 miles, averaging 20.3 mph. My lungs and legs could feel it but I did alright. I didn't miss any pulls but I'm glad the pace wasn't too intense. The big dogs weren't there and that helped. The temps started out at 50 degrees F and got warmer, so the ride was actually quite pleasant. Got home, showered, and spent the remainder of the day monitoring the ULM football game on the computer, as well as raking, mowing and edging the front yard this afternoon. With the cooler weather coming in, the yard work will start to be less and less of a concern.

I'm washing the whites now and will spend some time trying to start a clean-out of my "junk room". There's so many things I need to do with this house before Jonnene gets here. I'm doing a bit at a time and eventually it should get done by year's end...I just need to be able to let go of things I don't really need! Either throw those things away or sell them! Selling sounds good....where's that eBay web address?

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