Friday, October 20, 2006

Friday Night Something

Went back out to the trails at Stoner for a nice run. There's a section that follows the river for about 8/10th's of a mile one way, and I always start my runs going out-and-back on that trail to get an idea of how I'm feeling for the rest of the run. I guess I was doing okay as I cut a full minute off my time on that particular jaunt. Ended up doing about 35 minutes...probably feel it in the morning! After all, I ain't no kid! Act like one but ain't one.

Borrowed a mountain bike from this guy tonight to use at an off-road duathlon in Monroe next weekend. Since I ride MTB's about as much as I play ice hockey, this should be grand! In fact, now as I think about it, the last time I rode a mountain bike was at this same duathlon in 2002! Oh, yeah, this will be ugly. I'll try to practice on the bike a few times before I go to the race but I don't know if it'll help much outside of getting familiar with how the gears work. When you've spent most of your time on road bikes as I have, the other kind of ride can be very foreign and you feel quite spastic out on a trail in the woods. Some day I'll get one of my own for off-season riding.

Most of the day was kinda slow. Tomorrow I'll leave late in the day for Monroe to see the ULM vs. Middle Tennessee football game (hope it works in favor of my guys). While I'm gone, I'm going to "bomb" the house to reduce the vast roach population that grew over the summer. I wonder what I'll come home to?

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