Sunday, October 08, 2006

Finally...a start

Well, I've only had this blog for a few months and had yet to post anything on it. So I guess it's time I do so. I plan to use this blog to record my fourth trip to Australia to see my bride, Jonnene. We've been married over five months but have spent only the first eight days together before I had to return to the States. In the meantime we've been dealing with the immigration paperwork to get her here by the end of this year, hopefully. It's coming along, although slowly. We did get approval for her temporary visa to allow her to visit while the permanent residency visa is being processed. However, it still takes a few weeks to push the paperwork through to the US consulate in Sydney.

Anyway, I'm leaving Sunday, 19 November....the day after I'm supposed to do a 1/2 trail marathon (12.4 miles) in an event called the Louisiana Trails Run near Shreveport. I'll probably need all the flight time to rest my legs after that! I did it a couple of years ago and I survived okay. It was actually quite fun but exhausting, too. Covered the distance in 2:18 on muddy trails through pine forests under dark cloudy skies....I loved it! I will return from "Oz" on Monday, 4 December. Like I said, my intent is to keep a record of the trip, including the run-up, to see the woman I love and spend some quality time with her. I'll also get to spend some time getting to know her family better and vice-versa.

So that's it for now....I'll post when I can and include pics, too!

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