Friday, October 27, 2006


Just a quick update for anyone who cares.....

Put in a 3-mile run last night and the legs felt fine. I could tell I hadn't done anything in 5 days but that's what happens when your quads are seized up during that time! I head off to Monroe in the morning for the Dooley Du off-road duathlon. That's a 2.5 mile run, 10-mile mountain bike ride, and another 2.5 mile run. Just about everything will be on trails through a wooded section near Forsythe Park in Monroe next to the Ouachita River. Despite all the rain we've gotten this week, the early trail condition reports say that everything is in pretty good shape but I'll bet there's a few nasty spots here and there. I've gathered all my gear and since I don't have to leave untll 8 am latest, I'll pack in the morning. The race begins at 11 am and it'll be a laugh-riot for anyone who watches me. I'm also taking several towels to clean up with because I'm sure I'll be filthy after it's all said and done. I'll describe the whole disaster in detail tomorrow.

Not much else has been happening around here. Did some work, ran some errands, and took care of bidness. Oh, I got my hair cut today so I can start the process of looking good for my sweetie when I see her in about 23 days. It's fun preparing for a trip and working out the logistics so things go smoothly, or smoothly enough allowing for the unforeseen. But the unexpected is sometimes what makes the going great.

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