Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I have mastered time travel.

No kidding, I have. This morning I happened to look at the clock and it said 8:15 am. After a brief interlude of looking away and then back again to the clock, it then said 9:30 am! Obviously I have only just begun to unlock the secrets of time travel as first revealed in the movie "Somewhere in Time" with Christopher Reeve and Jane Seymour. How odd I be given this gift.....

The Wife has been having coughing fits the last few days and it's really been wearing her out. Imagine feeling like you've been repeatedly punched in the chest about 200-300 times a day and just maybe you'll get an idea. It's NOT swine flu! I haven't heard her oink yet but I don't think that's a symptom anyway...right? She's getting better but will skip the local triathlon this Sunday. She could finish it but it wouldn't be to her satisfaction and she would take the risk of aggravating her illness again. Who needs that?

The guest bathroom is starting to look pretty good. All that's left now is getting the mirror up (after we get it cut to size) and a new medicine cabinet. I still have lots of touch-up to do but it's looking sharp. I'll post photos in a few days.

Got in an interval workout with one of the Centenary kids this afternoon and she did pretty good. Jonathan came by to get his pedals but he's still waiting for a bike he wants to arrive at the bike shop. Doesn't matter since he's studying for finals and doesn't have time to ride. The first year of the cycling club went about as I expected except that we did a national triathlon race and no conference cycling race, which was opposite of what I thought we'd do this year. At least we did something and I hope we are supported enough to continue into next year. Even if we weren't I think we'd continue the club anyway and find other means of financial support through sponsors and donors (I'm going to do that anyway!). Now we just need to grow the club next year...I'd like to have 20 members by the spring semester.

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