Monday, May 04, 2009

Sickness All Around!!

And now, the only blog on the internet guaranteed not to give you swine flu!

At least I think so. Oink, oink......

Both Jonnene and I are dealing with illnesses at this time, both are different. She's been wrestling with this hacking cough for over 10 days now and, though it seems to be getting better, she's still letting go with these concussive blasts. She's trying some different meds and hopefully that'll solve the issue. In my case it's a classic recurrence of my reaction to the change of seasons where I sneeze a lot, stuff tissue up my nose, and feel achy all over. What's really weird is that
I knocked about 48 seconds off my previous time on my 2-mile neighborhood run this morning. Maybe I should exercise while sick more often? Nah.....

Since we last talked....did a 50-mile ride on Saturday with some of the boys but it was not near as intense as the previous Saturday when we knocked out 78 at race pace. Oh, it was fast and you had to do some work, but it didn't come near as close to tearing you down from the effort. What we like to call a "civilized" ride yet still putting some hurt on your legs. Got some hill work in the process and that nearly did me in but I managed to either keep up or catch up over the top.

But Sunday was the Funday. The local triathlon cl
ub, Sunrise, was putting on the first of three races in the Sunrise Tri Series. It was not a good sign when the thunder and lightning came on around 2 in the morning. Jonnene's dog, Sophie, spent the rest of that early morning in bed with us as she is not fond of such weather and shakes a lot. So the alarm goes off at 4:30 am and we got up since we're supposed to be there to help set up the transition area at 5:30. It's STILL raining....a lot! Well, we still have to go out to the race site and get the official word from the race director as to what we have to do. We drove out, not even getting out of the car because it's raining so hard. Over the next hour more cars showed up and eventually everyone migrated to the covered area of the swim club the race was starting from. Eventually the race director had to cancel the race...too much lightning, thunder, and more rain than anyone was expecting. We were home by 8 am and felt like we had spent all day out somewhere!

Doug, the race director, makes the announcement that there'll be no racing today.

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