Saturday, April 25, 2009

Anzac Day in the States

Well, admittedly, Australia's Anzac Day isn't celebrated here probably for the same reasons that the Fourth of July isn't celebrated in Oz. But to all my buds Down Under I hope you had a good holiday.

Hard ride this in about 78 miles all told and I hope I can walk tomorrow! I haven't done a long hard ride in several weeks and I was just hoping I could knock out about 50 and do real well at that. But apparently I had a good day and had more energy than I thought I would start out with. It was still hard to hang on to the group and thankfully a couple of flat tires from other riders allowed some of us a chance to get our breath back and recover a bit. Tomorrow I should be conducting a ride with a few of the kids from the Centenary cycling club and it should be a tad easier, maybe 25 miles tops at a slightly more sane pace.

Farley had been gone a week now and I'm still having my moments where I find myself thinking about him when I notice the emptiness in the house. My feelings on the whole episode are getting easier to deal with, as I expected, but it'll be a long while before things are "normal". I told Jonnene what makes this tougher for me than with the death of a person is that you don't really "talk" to a pet like you do a person. You can't express your feelings verbally to the's all gestures, sounds, actions, and enviroment. It's like, even as he was dying, I couldn't get on the phone to tell him anything like a last chance to tell him how good it was to have him in my life so he'd know before he left. Thing was he probably already knew that.

The next couple of weeks will be busy ones. We're planning to go out of town for our third anniversary celebration and, like all trips, there's so much to do before you leave. I'm starting to dread it already. The guest bathroom is getting closer to being finished, got the wainscot up and will need to put in the chair railing trim. Then it's a medicine cabinet to get and a mirror to put up and it's practically done. Pictures to come.

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