Monday, December 05, 2011

Undies and Oz

Here I am in Australia and I'm up to my neck in underwear. Well, not really up to my neck but underwear/knickers seem to be at the top of my recent purchases since I've been here. Y'see, I planned to get rid of my current, well-worn, and not-exactly-new tighties at the end of the year and replace it all with new stuff. So I decided to start my new supply with some Aussie-styled duds. So far I've bought 5 pair of briefs and 3 pair of boxer briefs. Will there be more to come?

We arrived in Oz about 10 days ago, planning to stay for a bit, visiting family and friends. It's been a nice smooth trip so far but now it looks like I'm coming down with a summer cold (it's summer here...well, almost) and even though I can function just fine I still feel like I'm a half-second out of sync. I'll just go to bed early, I guess, and sleep it off.

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