Yesterday Jonnene went in for surgery on her left shoulder and everything went fine. She'd been having problems with it for the last couple of years but things went south rather rapidly during the last 3-4 months. She was hoping that surgery wouldn't be needed, trying various things to alleviate the pain like kinesio-tape and certain exercises. But she knew that she'd have to go under the knife or orthroscope eventually and Wednesday was set as the day.
We got up at 4 am, walked the dogs in the cold air, then got back to gather up what we needed before heading to the surgery clinic near where she works...literally across the hall from where she works! Got the paperwork finished and was shown to our exclusive prep room. Jonnene put on the surgical gown (open in the back!) and we were visited by all the folks who would be working on her, including the surgeon. He's very experienced in this kind of thing, specializing in shoulders, knees, and various other things like that. He is a former team surgeon for the NFL New England Patriots and a couple of other pro football teams. He's also a nice guy and he told us what was going to happen during the procedure with a professional air, followed by more relaxed conversation. I felt good about him after that, especially since Jonnene knew him from work and did PT with many of his patients.
She then got the "good meds" and was soon feeling very good about things. So, as they wheeled her out, I kissed her bye and I drove back to the house to check on the dogs and get the car fueled up. I returned to the clinic and did some work on my laptop, read a magazine before the doctor came out to tell me that things went great. Her shoulder was not as bad as it was first thought and he was happy about that. Her recovery time was still going to take up to 4 months but she will be close to or better than normal in six months. In another hour I was allowed to go back to the room to see her and get her ready to go home. After getting her dressed we chased down some prescription meds for her on the way home, then got her settled in.
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