So President Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize....are you kidding me? Chris Wallace of FoxNews said he was as surprised as anyone based on the Bamster's notable lack of achievement so far in office. But he stated that he could only come up with one real reason that he won: he wasn't George W. Bush. And he's right....that's the only reason that makes real sense to me, too. The Nobel Committee made it no secret that they didn't like Bush over the last 8 years, so they'd jab him by awarding the Peace Prize to people like past prez Jimmy Carter (who never has anything good to say about Israel) and Al Gore (for promoting the global warming hoax). The Nobel Peace Prize is quickly losing its credibility and stature....sometimes they get it right but more and more they're getting good at making political statements instead. And Obama is going to be on television...AGAIN!....this morning to talk about the prize he "won".
UPDATE: Found out that the deadline for nominations to this year's Nobel Peace Prize was February 1st. Obama had been in office for about 11 days at that time. Makes ya think, don't it?

Back at the homestead, Jonnene and I are talking about getting a new dog and a companion for Sophie. I think we're ready for it and Sophie looks lonely sometimes. She had Farley in her company for more than two years and she kinda got used to having another dog around. In the six months since Farley passed it's possible that Sophie doesn't remember Farley in the same way we do...she doesn't miss him but knows something is missing. I still have days when he occupies my mind and my heart, and he'll never be forgotten. I've been ready for a new dog for some time now. It won't be a replacement for Farley, it'll be a new life in the house and something to keep Sophie on her toes and active. She's getting older, 11 years now, and is starting to slow down a bit yet still chases squirrels in the back yard with reckless abandon. It'll be good for her to have another pal. We'll start looking around soon although we could get a new pet the way I've gotten ALL my accident! That wouldn't surprise me. The photo shows Jonnene being greeted by Sophie and Farley when she got home from work or from running errands, which was an everyday occurrence with great fanfare and happiness by the dogs. I think Jonnene misses that...I do, too. This is at the old house in Bossier.
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