With One Good Foot in the Bathtub...
....and my swollen foot out of the tub, here's the latest pic on the guest bath remodeling that I'm in the middle of. The old wallpaper is finally off...or at least as much as I care to continue with and still claim the walls are ready to get "mudded up"...and I removed the old divider that was between the vanity and the toilet/tub area. That was fun...got out the old jig-saw and commenced to cuttin' everything up. Now the room looks a little more open and spacious. We can finally visualize what it's going to look like when we're done. Slap on some paint, nail up that wainscot, and we're talking one classy loo that you'll feel real comfy sitting in. Oh, and in case you're wondering why the place looks so clean...well, it IS. I like to clean up a place every time I finish a major part of the job, so that meant getting the sawdust off the floor (and off of everything else), gathering up the discarded wallpaper remnants, and patching a few holes.
We've got a lot of rain coming down right now and I'm not optimistic that we'll get any of the front windows installed Wednesday. Thursday is looking like a much better day for the installation. We'll see how that goes for us.
Another night of sticking my foot in ice water....the bruising has moved to my other toes now. Gravity will do that. If you've ever had a large bruise, and I mean a BIG one, you've probably noticed how it moves downward on your body over time. It's really weird to see that. Since my feet are about as low as you can go, the bruising is spreading over the foot...real attractive. No running this week but I'll try to get a ride in by Thursday. That shouldn't be a problem, right?
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