Well, we got the storage units installed today. Check it out!
Above is the pantry, located between the carport and the kitchen. It was a very small space and we wanted to find a way to get the most use out of it. Nearly all the shelves are adjustable. Hopefully, this'll work.
The bedroom closets turned out pretty good-looking. Now we've got to relocate our stuff and find new homes for things. I've got a couple of deep drawers in mine so I think that's where the T-shirts will go! Most of these shelves are adjustable, too. The orange bedcover was to keep any sawdust off the bed.Note: clicking on the pictures will bring them up larger!
I also got started on the renovation of the guest bathroom. It's really not much...just tearing off and removing the old wallpaper, getting the walls replastered, paint them, and add wainscot siding to the bottom of the walls. That'll make it look much nicer, giving it a sort of Shaker theme. Right now the pain-in-the-booty is getting the wallpaper off. I'm using a chemical gel which will allow me to scrap off the adhesive liner that didn't come off when I peeled the rest of the wallpaper away. Everything else will be easy and quick compared to this!
The weekend was pretty busy in its own way. I rode both days, totalling 110 miles, and the wind was brutal out there, especially on Sunday. Jonnene got 53 miles in on Saturday and rode the hills north of Bossier City, what we call Rocky Mount. It's surprisingly hilly for Louisiana but then we are close to Arkansas and Texas, so we're borrowing on some of their rolling topography as it falls down on us. Next weekend I have the six-mile Mojo Trail Run #2 to do and the weekend following is the Sunrise Duathlon in Opelousas which is the Louisiana State Duathlon Championship. I got second in my age group last year but I'm not so sure I'll do as well this time. I know of at least 2-3 guys who have "aged up" into my group and that'll make it a lot more competitive...maybe they won't show up this year.