Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Life is Never Normal at This Time of Year(s)

Michael Crichton said it better about global warming than I ever could. Check it out if you have 20 minutes to read what he had to say about it....and pay attention 'cause it gets pretty deep in some places.

I took the Guru out on the road yesterday. It was the first time it has been outside in over three months and it behaved like a champ. I didn't get on the aerobars until I was about four miles out so I could get used to the bike's sensitive steering again. After a brief 15 miles, I was riding it like I'd never been gone. I had to get Scooter to take a look at the headset earlier since I was having problems tightening it up after putting a shorter stem on the handlebars.

Today I made a visit to a local podiatrist to get a look-see at my right foot and my left ankle. As to the ankle, we both agreed to give running a rest for a while after the duathlon this Saturday and see how it responds to lots of rest. He thinks it's probably a couple of deep tendons that have been aggrevated but if things don't improve after the rest we'll do an MRI and see what we can see. Regarding the right foot, he confirmed the tailor's bunion I have and, after looking at the x-rays, he commented that the fifth metatarsal bone under the little toe was definitely flared out too far to the right which makes my foot look wider. But he was really interested in the fourth metatarsal which was also flaring out with the other one. He had heard of the condition but had really never seen one! He talked about it a lot. Surgery is an option (as was leaving it alone) but it'd require me to be on crutches for 5-6 weeks because I wouldn't be able to put weight on those small bones. But he wasn't recommending surgery, at least not for now....he admitted that he'd be hard-pressed to make a decision either way. He told me to that it's probably better to do nothing right now since I'm still an active person and that maybe this is something we'll deal with when I'm in my late 60's and not as active...unless the foot decides to make a case for surgery earlier than that. But it looks like surgery on my right dawg will happen some day. Just like I believe surgery on my left shoulder...1997 bike crash....will happen some day. But not today!

After three weeks of long daylight while we were in Australia, we're still struggling to get used to these days of shorter daylight back in Louisiana. Trying to wake up in the morning while it's pitch-dark outside is really tough!

It's a busy week for me. I'm trying to take care of uniform issues for the bike club, the college club, and the triathlon club. I also picked up a new art job...yes, I'm still doing the free-lance thing even though I'm slowly weaning myself away from it. I won't be renewing my membership to the local ad club and won't be entering anything in the Addy Awards this year.

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