I did my duty as an American citizen and voted today. Walked from my house to the elementary school where my voting precinct is located....voted for Jim McCrary to represent my district in the House of Representatives and voted for six out of eight state constitutional amendments. That was all I could vote on this time. I actually studied the proposed amendments and pretty much knew what I wanted to do. This was also my first time to work with the new electronic voting machines....some lights and a short tune that plays when you register your vote. Personally, I miss the big mechanical machines. It was cool to push the metal levers that clicked into place and then to pull the one-arm-bandit-style lever to register your vote that rang a bell and threw open the curtain. It was a show with a flourish!
I'm not optimistic on the outcome of the elections...actually, either way it goes doesn't make me feel that great. But I know what will happen either way it goes. It's an easy call to make. If the Dems take control of Congress, look for tax increases, no plans for the war on terrorism, no progress in appointing judges, and stalemates - maybe not so bad - in Congress the next two years. If the Repubs retain all or half control, the tax cuts stay in place (good thing) but stalemates - again, maybe not so bad - and other stupid things will continue.
The news media rarely mention that Congress gets lower approval ratings than the President.....funny that.
Will Rogers (reading a headline in a newspaper): " 'Congress is Deadlocked and Cannot Act'....well, ladies and gentlemen, that's the greatest blessing that could befall this country!"
More Will Rogers: "Calvin Coolidge was accused of being a do-nothing president. I don't have a problem with that because, at that time, nothing was what we wanted done!"
The man was funny and a freakin' genius. He was a true American.
I got in a run at the Stoner trails during lunch. About 40 minutes worth but my legs felt dead. It was still fun to get out and manuver through the woods but it took some effort to move the legs! I estimate I got in about 4.5 miles so it was a good workout, the weather was great and I'm thankful for the opportunity to get out and about.
My bike racing team, Team LaS'port, had its end-of-the-season meeting last night. I have some changes to make on next year's uniform and there's strong interest in an organized Masters team (45 and older) for next season. I'm not sure how involved I'll be in that as far as training goes....I'm becoming more interested in training alone on occassion but I will be the good teammate in a race. I got my upgrade to a Category 3 not long ago and that's nice to have. At least bike racing has become interesting and fun again after the crappy 2004-2005 seasons when it was quite miserable and I was dreading getting on the bike. I hated feeling like that and I'm glad the desire to ride has returned. It's where I like to be and it certainly helps me clear my head. I hope to do it as long as I'm physically able.
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