Saturday, November 11, 2006

Busy Day

Slept late again for the second day in a row....nice. It was cool and crisp outside but I managed to get in a run. Went from my house to the Horseshoe Casino and back, about 3.25 miles at an easy pace. While I was running, I got held up by a train! Usually I'm driving or on my bike, but this was definitely a first. Stopped the watch and just stood there as it went by. I also wore my heartrate monitor (finally got a battery put in the watch/pickup) and it hovered around 165-167 during the latter part of the run. It dropped to 134 within a minute after I got to the house and in five minutes it was down to 100, so that was good to see.

Soon after that I went to Major Huguley's funeral at First United Methodist Church in Bossier City. It was a full house and I guess that's a testiment to all those whose lives the Major touched. He wasn't famous or rich, yet he had all these people there to paid their respects. What can you say? I got to briefly talk to his son, Don, after the service and it had been almost 25 years since I last saw him, but we recognized each other and he said he was moving to Shreveport next year when he retires from the Air Force. He said he'd called me when he moves down and we can catch up. I didn't get to talk to his sister, Ann, who I hadn't seen in 18 years. Anyway, the service was very nice, although I did get a smidgen peeved when the pastor talked about all the things the Major had done in his life but made no mention at all of his contributions to the Boy Scouts. There were at least three Scout leaders in their uniforms there and the Major was a very influential person in the Norwela Council in the time he was involved with the Scouts. That's not taking away from the other wonderful work he did but, gee, the BSA counts, too!

The rest of the afternoon was yard work. This was probably the only real time I'd have to make the front yard look good before I leave for Oz so it was raked, mowed, and edged....hopefully for the last time until next March!

Tonight was the Sunrise Triathlon Club's End-of-Season Par-tay and we had a good turnout. Mostly everyone just visited, talked, and watched some of the college games on the TV. My school, ULM, was on....playing Florida International over in Miami on CSS-TV. That was neat to watch, and I didn't hog the TV since LSU and Alabama were playing each other at that time, too. It was good for my Warhawks....they won 35-0 and ended a 7-game losing streak. And since my high school won their first-round playoff game last night, it's looking like a good weekend. If the New Orleans Saints win on Sunday, then it'll be a great weekend!

I'm talking to Jonnene in the morning! Looking forward to that!

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