Last week, in a sports chat forum, I had posted a story about a student at ULM who was caught with drugs in his dorm room. I got a reply from one guy who was an advocate of recreational drug use and all I gave was a simple response that I disagreed with his viewpoint. It was hardly two sentences. He then sent me a personal email that went on and on about how he did just fine in life, making great grades since he started smoking pot at 15 and his life was as normal as anybody else's. It was a long email, and it was hard to follow, and he was actually illustrating why I disagreed with his view. Personally, I drink about one beer every few months at parties, tried smoking at age 11 and hated it, and the only illegal drug I've ingested has been second-hand pot smoke at concerts or parties (you can't get away from it). I don't mind drinking wine but one or two glasses is about it....and it has to be red!
I thought about his post for a while (I'm not going to bother posting it here) and below is the reply I sent directly back to him:
I really don't care. I'm not trying to change your mind or make you see things my way. What I'm expressing to you is my viewpoint and mine only. What's legal or not is also largely beyond my control, so I have to deal with the way things are.
For every study there is advocating recreational drug use, there is another study with the opposite viewpoint and results. This applies to whether it's rec drugs, global warming, or a variety of other issues. What it ends up coming down to is my life experience and my personal observations of the people around me. I don't need studies to tell me what's happening in real life. I'm not a blithering idiot either. Remember that there's a lot of smart people who do dumb things all the time. Common sense is not equally rationed amongst the population and success in one part of life does not absolve one of bad choice in another. Heck, I know I have areas I could do much better in.... it's definitely an ongoing process! :)
Whether it's legal or not, whether it's alcohol, tobacco, or any currently illegal substances, to delve into any of them is stupid. It's shear stupidity....and that's my opinion. I'm not going to bother anyone who does the stuff as long as it doesn't interfere with my life and the lives of those I love and care about. I do not preach to them either unless they ask me directly what I think.
What I find sad is when I see some people I respect and think highly of in certain aspects of life, at a private party or gathering, and they start to fire up. I watch them become slow, stupid, silly, and just plain weird. And when this happens to folks in their 40's and 50's, I can't watch them anymore. It was funny and exciting for them when they were teenagers and college kids, but now it's just sad to watch. They didn't outgrow what is, to me, a young person's drug of choice. And it affects others in one way or another, there's absolutely no doubt in my mind about that. It also bothers me that they care so much about their own pleasure and that they don't care if I were to be arrested with them if a raid occurred. That's doubtful of a raid but the possibility exists....just the fact that what they want is more important tells me plenty of the power of the drug. Whatever they cared about me has gone out the window. I usually leave at that point but I don't embarrass anyone by saying why...I just say I have to take care of something. I let them do what they want but I don't have to be there.
These are just some of my observations and they had a large part in forming my conclusions on the subject. What you have stated to me about how it didn't seem to affect you and your circumstances means nothing to me and I've heard all those stories before. There are smart people out there, whether they light up or not. For every smart guy like you, there are 20 dumb ones smoking and those are the ones you have to deal with in making your argument work. They're the ones who sink the whole idea of a recreational drug, no matter what form it's in.
Do what you want to do. As long as it doesn't affect me personally in an adverse way, we're cool. I get along just fine with the friends I have who do the stuff and I'm sure you and I would, too.
This is all I'm going to say on the subject, okay?