Monday, September 13, 2010

More Renovating, More Running

Updates....yeah, updates. Sort of a busy weekend. Not in the way you count the number of things you did in a space of time but the time it took to do some things. Such as Jonnene running her long run of 7 miles on Saturday and I did my long run of 20 miles on Sunday. I had never covered 20 miles on foot ever in my life and it really got tough the last 2-3 miles...I'm sure I walked more than I ran at that point, had already run out of water, it was hot and humid, and I still managed to average 10:46/mile. I thought I'd be slower! For Jonnene, her knee started acting up on her about 2/3's of the way in but she turned in just shy of an 11-minute mile pace.

There's also some family health issues that we're having to tend to but that's our job as the kiddos to do the things that need to be done.

The bathroom renovations are still underway....shall be for a while longer. More pictures below:

Sophie and Coober sometimes get to check out the mess in the bedroom.

The custom-made vanity unit and tower came in and are waiting to be installed eventually.

Here's the original entrance to the master bath after the demolition was finished.

And now the smaller version of the entrance after the sheetrock has gone up which will feature a pocket door.

A downward view of Jonnene as seen from the ceiling rafters before the wall boards go up.

Looking toward the shower area after we got down to the studs and after the plumbing was worked on. You can see the drainage ports for the shower and the toilet on the floor.

Same area after the sheetrock has been put up. Light/vent/heater will be installed in the hole in the ceiling. The exposed areas will have different wallboard put up to make that area waterproof and then the stone tiling will be put in.

We left our names and the date on the inside of one of the walls for someone to find someday in the far future when the house is renovated again or torn down...hopefully many decades from now!

Looking towards the entrance after the demolition was finished.

Same view after the pocket door framework and a stout header board was installed as well as the framing for the door jam.

A much cleaner look with the wallboard in place! Now the mudding begins followed by texturing of the walls to prepare it for paint (we have to finalize our colors soon).

We moved ourselves to the guest bedroom while this is going on. But above is our master bedroom with all the stuff, the old mirror (which we'll have cut to size and reused in the bathroom), and boxes of bathroom fixtures. The bed has a tarp on it to keep the dust off and the closets have been covered with plastic sheeting for the same reason.

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