Sunday, October 19, 2008

Early to Bed

Early night tonight! Gotta get up at 4 am to prep for my drive to Minden to be an extra in "The Year One". I was checking online for the list of extras for tomorrow's shoot and there must be at least 300 people who have to be there! I think I've mentioned before that I will be one of the "citizens of Sodom" but I'm in a list of about 30-40 guys who are called "action extras"...I guess I will be doing something different than the other couple of hundred extras. I I run around the set or something? I'll let ya know what happens. Another day, another 58 dollars or so.

Today was a slow day. Jonnene had to work again, working on three open wounds and a new patient. It didn't sound like a lot of fun to me but that's the nature of the job on a weekend. I did some work in the yard and cleaned up some stuff. Jonnene did some housework after she got back along with a bit of shopping for things we needed and in short supply of. About mid-afternoon, I met with Blake B, a high school senior going to a rural school near Shreveport since I am mentoring him for his senior project. It's a cartoon strip about a close encounter between the sun and the moon, with human personas. I'm to help him put the script together and show him techniques on drawing the strip for his presentation in mid-November. We've put in a total of five hours on the project and he's doing a pretty good job so far. I meet with him again on Wednesday and we should get the bulk of the art done at that time. I didn't want to do this mentoring thing at first but it's not been all that bad. He's a skinny kid, way thinner than I was that age...and I was skinny back in 1973!

Wish me luck...I'm about to be one of a few hundred faces out of focus in the background of some movie!!

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