Thursday, August 21, 2008

You Don't Know Me

So, I'm out tonight doing my one-kilometer interval workout with Tim, my "coach". He's worked out my training schedule and was out to see if I needed any help. He would be training, too, but his left hamstring has been causing him all kinds of trouble so he's just riding easy for now. Tonight I did six "kilos" and I was pretty satisfied with them, averaging 29-30 mph with a slight tailwind. Tim had me roll up to my start line, pause for a second in a track stand, and then head out as fast as I could. The point being that the two worse spots in a time trial are (1) the start, and (2) getting back up to speed after the turnaround. These intervals are as much for learning to get up to speed as they are for being speedy. I should feel these in the morning.

Tim also told me, "Now, Alan, if you break an hour in that time trial, I want you to call me as soon as you can and tell me about it. Be sure to let everyone know that I coached you and that I take all the credit. However, if you don't break an hour or have a lousy ride that day, don't call me. Don't even tell anyone you know me or have ever heard of me. I will also deny that I know who you are."

I think Tim was kidding. I'm going to call him anyway. Maybe I'll wake him up.

I think my truck's alternator is going bad. I've ruled out any problems with the battery and I'm still not totally sold that the alternator is the cause of my anxiety but it's the next place to look. I tend to lean toward the possibility of a loose connection between the cable clamp and the battery post on the positive side. I hate it when the truck's not right. I'm just glad I'm not using it for a long trip this weekend...that's usually when things go wrong. And usually on a Friday. I'm taking the truck to the dealership and see what they have to say...hopefully, it'll be "That'll be five bucks and you're good to go, sir!" Uh-huh....

We go to Montana in a week! I'm about to get excited to go on a trip again to "someplace else" with my beautiful wife and hang out with her "someplace else". In three months we'll be on our way to Oz and I'll really be excited about that!

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