Monday, June 23, 2008

Just Anudder Munday

Wow, comedian George Carlin died yesterday. Another part of my wonderful college years has moved on to history. I remember listening to his comedy albums over and over in my college dorm, and remember when he hosted the very first Saturday Night Live in 1975 (which, if you didn't know, had a regular bit created by Jim Henson of the Muppets...I was always in stitches when it was on...I was laughing so hard during the accupuncture skit that I was crying...don't know why they stopped doing it after six shows). Anyway, Shreveport got mentioned in the news stories since that was the place George got his start as a radio DJ at KJOE when he was stationed at Barksdale AFB in the mid-50's. I admired him for the wordsmith he was (I wish I was remotely as well versed) and his observations of life in general (NOT his politics). His routine on "A Place for My Stuff" was one of my favorites and I have to admit that his "Seven Dirty Words You Can't Say on Television" was one of his best. Be aware, there's language on this links! See ya later, Mr. Carlin.......

Went to Waco, Texas last Saturday for a meeting of the South Central Collegiate Cycling Conference (SCCCC) to talk over race schedules, conference rules, and whatnot for competitive college bicycle racing. There were guys from UTexas, Texas A&M, Texas State, Midwestern State, and Baylor there. Took a couple of hours but some things got done. It's the first long drive by myself I've taken in a long while, a little over 8 hours roundtrip behind the wheel and I enjoyed it. Jonnene was doing a long bike ride to Jefferson, Texas with a group of cyclists that morning and she said it was nice but plenty hot.

We volunteered to be volunteers at the Sunrise Triathlon #3 on Sunday but spent much of the rest of the day around the house. I did some painting on a piece of furniture and she worked on some things for the bike club regarding training and diet for century rides. Yeah, basically we were pretty useless much of the day!

LaS'port did well for itself at the Tour de Louisiane over the weekend. Russ won the overall in the Cat. 1-2-3's while Bolt took second. LaS'port only had four guys in the race but did a fabulous job of dominating the stage race against a couple of larger teams including an 8-man squad from Herring Gas. Russ ended up winning the overall by the largest margin in at least the last ten years of the tour and his solo win by two minutes in the 80-mile road race helped a lot in that regard.

I'm looking to do the stage race in Lafayette near the end of July and I'm being optimistice because my riding has been going very well lately. It's not there yet but I'm getting more confident that I'll be ready to race by then. The first Saturday of August I'm going with some other guys to Katy, Texas near Houston to do the Texas State Time Trial Championships as a prelude to the Louisiana-Mississippi TT's in September. We'll see if the Guru is as fast as I think it can be with me on it.

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