We got REAL snow about two weeks ago at our new house. It didn't stick because the ground was too wet and warm, but my niece in Ruston told me they had about 4" before the day was over!

So far the only real change we've made on the new place is adding this gate and wall extension to keep the dogs in the back yard. You can see Sophie and Farley on the other side of the gate. I designed the ironwork and used the curves to contrast against the straight lines of the house. What do you think?

Here's the cat, Taz, relaxing on the back patio. He seems to like it.

And Jonnene's dog, Sophie...a world traveler in her own right...checks out the plant life in the back yard. She likes to go out there to protect us from the vicious squirrels! So far she's done a good job...we're safe and secure from the bushy-tailed creatures!

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