Sunday, January 20, 2008


Rode with Mack this was cold...about 29 degrees to start...saving grace was that the sun was out in all its glory...but not warm enough to make any difference. My balaclava is at the old house so I went out, bare-faced and all, with only my 2-day-old whisker growth to keep my face somewhat covered from the cold air. It was an easy ride (really, it was supposed to be) and I only covered 36 miles. Doesn't help that I haven't ridden that much the last couple of weeks but I'll get that corrected soon. Still, it was a good ride if you take out the fact that I couldn't feel my fingertips the last ten miles and had to pee real bad...cold weather riding does that to me. Once I got home and could feel my body parts again I took a nice HOT shower. Best part of the day, amen, bro.

We're still moving stuff from the storage lot and the old house to the new place. So much stuff! How did I accumulate all this crap over the years? Thing is, I don't have near as much stuff as many people out there have so I don't know how they deal with it when they move somewhere. I've been trying to simplify the amount of my possessions the last couple of years but there's still a lot here. But the new house is starting to feel a little more homey day by day. I've got the home studio in working (but not organized) order so I can work now.

More to come as I get to it.

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