Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Cold, windy, all that stuff

It's freakin' cold around here! I doubt the temps will get above freezing today. As a result I can't get the engine in my truck steam-cleaned because it's too cold. I need to get that oil sensor fixed before I leave for Cali and we can't confirm that it's the problem until the engine is cleaned of all the sprayed oil on the side of it, and then we can look for any new leaks. But that's a minor problem...we'll get 'er done on Thursday when it's warmer. In the meantime, the oil has been changed and I hope to have everything else done by the weekend.

As bad as it is here in Louisiana, with a few closed roads and some sleet, it's definitely worse in places in Oklahoma and parts of Texas along with a few other states. But it's a typical winter in the middle states and the news media is making it out to be the end of the world. The snow and ice isn't the real problem...the coming floods will be. There's been so much rain at the beginning of the year that most of the ground around here is soaked to the gills. And, you know, this is pretty much typical, too. It's a big deal to the people who are affected but it's what weather does and there's nothing unusual about that.

Los Angeles got nuked on the show "24" last night! It's still being debated as to whether that's a loss or not....joking. After 5 seasons, Jack Bauer finally wasn't able to stop the disaster. This is one of my favorite shows so you know where I was Sunday and Monday night for 4 hours total. I hope Jonnene lets me keep watching! I heard that "24" was very popular outside the United States, especially in the Middle East, for one primary reason: everyone likes watching the USA getting blown up and having all these disasters! Ha! Of course, the meaning of the show is way deeper than that but, hey, if you're watching it then you must have a reason. I like it because of the character that Keifer Sutherland plays, Jack....the character understands quite clearly what his role is and is willing to do what he has to do to accomplish the right thing. It's not always clear-cut for him but he tries to see the big picture and how even the smallest thing he does can affect so many people and situations. I'd like to think I'm like that but I'm not nearly as brave as Jack!

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