Friday, December 29, 2006

Last Weekend of the Year

Late evening and it's raining....100% chance tonight and most of Saturday, so I don't know if I'll be able to squeeze in a ride in the afternoon and get some kind of mileage in my legs...and work off some of this holiday weight. I'd hate to climb a sizable hill right now!

I'm letting The Gray stay in the house tonight. Besides the pounding rain outside, he has torn the "thumb" on his right front leg, probably in a fight or caught it on something, and it looks like a bloody pulp on there. He looks exhausted so I'm letting him sleep on the cushion I have propped up on the coffee table. He's out like a light. If I had the money I'd get him fixed up and then I'd get him fixed. His owners don't seem to think that's an important thing to do. Taz is in my lap as I type this and he's in Neverland himself. I got to take Farley out into the playground behind my house before the rains came to give him a good walk and I think he enjoyed himself. He turns 11 on New Year's and that's getting old for a Labrador. I'd like to get two more years out of him and then he will have rightly earned his rest. He's been a good boy all this time.

I'm still trying to decide how to approach Dad since I've been ignoring him all week. His birthday is this Sunday and I know I need to acknowledge it. I have to tell him how much he upset me last weekend. I couldn't come down on him because I wanted to preserve the quiet of the holiday but I have to let him know he can't ever talk to me in that fashion again. I won't allow it. And he will NOT do that in front of my wife or there will be a coming-to-Jesus meeting like he's never seen before.

It will be a busy weekend work-wise which is a good thing but I'm getting concerned that no checks have come in yet and I have bills to pay. But then, that's par for the course....the life of a free-lancer, to have money but to not have money at the same time.

Jonnene has booked her flights for Sydney for her interview. It's quite possible I'll be seeing her by the end of January or first week of February. I am very excited about it all and I'm ready to be a full-time husband for her. When it comes down to it, everything I do is for her and I'm trying to do the best I can.

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